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NIST Artificial Intelligence
Risk Management Framework 1.0

Get certified as an expert in designing and leading
an artificial intelligence risk management program
conforming to NIST AI RMF 1.0.

Certified NIST AI RMF 1.0 Architect

Certified NIST AI RMF 1.0 Architect

Get trained and certified in NIST Artificial Intelligence Risk Management

The NIST AI Risk Management Framework is designed to equip organizations and individuals with approaches that increase the trustworthiness of AI systems, and to help foster the responsible design, development, deployment, and use of AI systems over time. The Framework training is intended to be practical, adapting to the AI landscape as AI technologies continue to develop. The AI RMF is intended to be utilized by organizations in varying degrees and capacities so society can benefit from AI, while also being protected from its potential risks.

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NIST AI RMF 1.0 Architect is the AI risk management credential supporting a career in the responsible design, development, deployment, use, and evaluation of AI products, services, and systems. This certification validates competence and understanding for developing and managing AI risk-management based upon the NIST Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework 1.0. 

Upon completion of this training and certificate program, you will:

  • be equipped with knowledge and skills required to develop, manage, monitor, and improve an AI Risk Management System conforming to NIST standards of best practice;
  • expand your risk management competency;
  • increase your credibility through gaining international recognition; and
  • improve your résumé and help to increase your earning potential.

IRMCB Accredited
