and Corruption Manager
Advance your career. Get certified as an expert in planning, deploying and operating
ISO 37001 anti-bribery and anti-corruption management.
Certified ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery & Corruption Manager
Get trained and certified in establishing, managing, and auditing an ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System
As business becomes more globalized, organizations are faced with new challenges and opportunities. Part of this new environment is compliance with newly emerging anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, such as the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the UK Bribery Act, the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act in Canada, the General Law of Administrative Accountability and Model Program for Corporation Integrity in Mexico, and several others in Russia, France, Germany, China, and Brazil just to name a few.
While organizations critically need to prove due diligence in preventing, detecting, and correcting bribery and corruption, the dilemma is that there has not been a universally-recognized standard of exactly what a sufficient ABC program would entail. Until now. As of October 2016, there is a new global standard for anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) management systems, made available by the International Organization for Standardization. With the new ISO 37001 standard, "Anti-bribery management systems - Requirements with guidance for use," it means there is now an internationally recognized set of best practices to prevent and detect bribery. Moreover, these best practices are auditable and can be ISO certified. The standard is designed for use in both public-sector and private-sector organizations. Expect to see early widespread international adoption by the public sector, which will subsequently drive private-sector organizations wanting to do business with them to become certified to the same standard. Even if your organization already has an ABC program, it should immediately perform an audit against the new ISO standard to ensure that all details are addressed and compliant. After all, ISO' anti-bribery and anti-corruption will likely determine the minimum of what your organization's customers, regulators, and suppliers will expect of your program.
Certified Information Security provides the training and credentialing you and your anti-bribery compliance team needs to become recognized as authorities in planning, deploying, managing, and auditing an Anti-Bribery Management system that fulfills the expectations and requirements of its regulators, customers, suppliers, and investors.
Upon completion of this training and certificate program, you will:
- be equipped with knowledge and skills required to develop, manage, monitor, and improve an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) in line with the ISO standard of best practices;
- expand your anti-bribery and anti-corruption management competency;
- increase your credibility through gaining international recognition; and
- improve your résumé and increasing your earning potential.