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3. Advanced Interview Techniques for Investigating Fraud (30 Days)

SKU FC102AIT. Learn how to professionally interview and investigate internal fraud and corruption. This course subscription provides 30 days of access to prerequisite training for CIS exam certification exam #FC102. (In English) As this is a subscription-based course, no permanent download of course materials is provided.
Sales price $299.95
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CFCMTerms of Service: Unlimited online utilization of this course is provided for a single user for 30 days in duration from the time of purchase according to the terms of Certified Information Security's End-User License Agreement. The subscription expires 30 days after purchase. Subscription time is not banked, and cannot be "frozen", deferred, or re-scheduled.

This course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to effectively interview and interrogate witnesses, conspirators, and perpetrators potentially involved with incidents of fraud or abuse. Set into a practical workshop format, important concepts are reinforced through your in-class analysis of real videotaped interviews from actual investigations of two cases of internal employee fraud. Concepts are further reinforced through 14 workshop case studies you will help solve in class along with other attendees.

This course includes:

Know your boundaries: Legal considerations for investigating and interviewing employees

  • Understand the science of communication
  • Do you know your legal authority for conducting interviews?
  • Can you use deception in interviews?
  • How do you avoid breaching the employees’ rights under law?
  • How do you avoid employee claims of breach of privacy, emotional distress, defamation, false imprisonment, or assault and battery?
  • What about trade union protection?

Understand the science of communication

  • What are communication facilitators and inhibitors?
  • What is the employee really saying with word choice, tone, and syntax?
  • What is the employee really saying with body language from the head, face, nose, mouth, eyes, arms, shoulders, elbows, hands, legs, feet, and posture?
  • What is the employee really saying with anger, boredom, frustration, and body movements? 

Learn how to prepare for the interview

  • How do you properly establish the foundation for your investigation?
  • How do you gather evidence and background information for the interview? Where do you get the information from?
  • What is the best venue and physical environment for interviewing?
  • How should you plan the interview for witnesses, conspirators, and perpetrators? 



